A constitution includes the rules and regulations of the club.
Sample Constitution
Article 1
This club shall be known as _________________________.
Article 2
Active members shall be motorcycle riders or enthusiasts. Honorary members shall be an individual, as the club decides by a two-thirds vote of those present at any regular meeting. Only active members shall be entitled to vote in club affairs.
Article 3
The officers of the club shall be president, vice president, secretary, chief legislative officer, treasurer, road captain and/or referee. These officers shall constitute the executive board.
Article 4
The duties of the president shall be:
To preside at all meetings of the club.
To have general supervision of the affairs of the club.
To establish short- and long-term goals for the club, in cooperation with other officers.
To appoint any person or committee not otherwise ordered by the club.
To personally represent the club on proper occasions and in business contracts.
To assist all other officers of the club in their records, correspondence and other duties.
To promote interest on the part of each member in club life and activities.
To vote only when necessary to break a tie.
Article 5
The duties of the vice president shall be:
To perform the duties of the president in his/her absence.
To coordinate committees and manage programs for the club.
Article 6
The duties of the secretary shall be:
To keep accurate minutes of meetings.
To handle member applications, records, supplies and update various club documents, as necessary.
To maintain club constitution and/or by-laws.
To send out notices of regular or special meetings.
To handle club correspondence and administrative details.
To perform such other duties as generally fall to that office.
Article 7
The duties of the treasurer shall be:
To maintain club financial records and deliver reports on a timely basis.
To send and receive club money.
To ensure there is more than one signatory on the bank account.
To file the club tax return, if applicable.
To have a team perform a yearly financial audit.
Article 8
The duties of the risk management officer shall be:
To ensure events are properly sanctioned.
To ensure that liability insurance coverage is in place.
To ensure that the registration process for events operates properly, including the signing of release forms.
To complete and forward to the AMA the properly completed post-event paperwork required after every AMA-sanctioned event.
To complete and return the injury report, if applicable.
Article 9
The duties of the chief legislative officer shall be:
To monitor local and state legislative activities affecting motorcycling.
To communicate with the AMA State Chapter Coordinator in their state or AMA Government Relations Department staff member.
Delegate any of the legislative activities identified.
To work with the AMA Government Relations Department to promote programs and legislation that benefit motorcyclists.
Article 10
The duties of the referee shall be to:
To supervise all sanctioned competition events promoted by the club.
To carry out the duties described in the AMA Racing Rulebook.
Article 11
The duties of the road captain shall be:
To lead the planning of club rides, including the route.
To ensure safety and promote group riding best practices.
Article 12
The duties of the trail boss shall be:
To take the lead to plan club rides or races, including the course.
To ensure safety and organization of riders or racers.
Article 13
The duties of the executive board shall be:
To act for the club in all matters ordered by the club.
To make final decisions on member expulsions.
To properly investigate and present all business or important activities.
To have control over all club affairs.
Article 14
All elective offices shall be filled at an election to be held on _____ of each year. All officers shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. Maximum terms for officers shall be ____ years.
Article 15
The regular meetings of the club shall be held on _____ at _____ p.m., but the president or executive board may call a special meeting at any time by advance notice.
Article 16
_____ active members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for transaction of club business.
Article 17
The constitution may be amended, providing the proposed amendment is submitted in writing at a regular meeting. It shall then be advertised for _____ weeks and voted on at the next meeting. A two-thirds vote of all active members in good standing shall be required to pass an amendment.
NOTE: Articles 8-12 may be positions that are not relevant to your organization. If this is the case, just delete these when you modify the constitution to meet your organization’s needs. Likewise, there may be additional officers you wish to add, such as social media officer, etc.
If information changes after your charter application is submitted, such as officer elections, address changes, etc., a recognized officer can request changes to your charter file at any time throughout the year by documenting the requested updates by e-mail.